Embracing Your Intuition: A Journey Through the Clairs

Embracing Your Intuition: A Journey Through the Clairs

Our intuition is one of the most powerful tools we possess, yet so often, we ignore its quiet whispers

My relationship with intuition is long and deep, as it is for many, though I haven't always listened to it.

That resistance has led to pain and heartache—a byproduct of the human stubbornness that insists, “I know better.”

In those moments, our spiritual guides might throw their hands up and say, “Okay, have it your way,” leaving us to navigate the lessons on our own.


Ignoring intuition often leads to hard lessons, particularly in relationships. For example, if you’re in a monogamous relationship and sense something is off, your intuition might whisper, “They’re cheating.” But if you dismiss that inner knowing, you may find yourself facing the very reality you tried to avoid.

So, what exactly is intuition?

For me, intuition is synonymous with inner knowing. It’s an intrinsic resonance, a deep sense of knowing something without needing tangible proof. When you encounter something that rings a distant psychic bell within you, that’s intuition. It might be a nudge to follow a certain path or make a specific decision, guided by a part of you that exists beyond the physical realm.

This knowing can come from various sources, namely known as the Clairs. 


The Clairs: Collectively, clairsentience, clairaudience, and other forms of extrasensory perception are known as "the clairs." They represent different ways in which we can receive intuitive information, each unique and powerful in its own right. The main ones are:

  • Clairsentience: This is the ability to feel or sense something intuitively, often a physical sensation. This is often how I receive my intuitive messages—through an undeniable, physical sensation. Lies feel like a punch in the stomach. Aligned things feel like full-back shivers. You?

  • Clairaudience: Another form of intuitive guidance, clairaudience is the ability to hear messages from the spiritual realm. These messages might come as a voice in your mind or even as external sounds that others can’t hear. It’s as if your spirit guides are whispering in your ear, guiding you towards what you need to know.

  • Clairvoyance: The most visual of the clairs, this is clear-seeing. Being able to see a person for who they really are or getting information in strictly visual representations. Often the guides show me images in my mind’s eye that are left to the person I’m speaking to, to interpret. I just describe what I see.

  • Claircognizance: Clear-knowing. “Just knowing” something without having prior information on the issue at hand. It’s like a gut feeling that something is or isn’t right, even if you can’t logically explain why.

Knowing how you personally receive information is paramount to communicating with spirit. I’ve learned over time that intuition is closely linked to the spiritual journey we’re all on. As we deepen our connection with our higher selves and spirit guides, we become more attuned to these intuitive messages. This spiritual awakening allows us to access a higher level of consciousness, where the line between the physical and spiritual realms begins to blur. 

To give you a sense of how this has played out in my life, let me share a few stories:


Take my best friend, Markella. We were in our early 20s; she was pregnant, and I was in a deep period of grief and self-destruction. We lived just five minutes apart. One day, in early February, I inexplicably decided to go to bed at 9 p.m.—an unusual choice for a 23-year-old living in Athens, where the night typically starts at 11 p.m.

Why did I go to bed so early? Because I felt that Markella was going to give birth on February 9th, and I wanted to be well-rested to support her. Sure enough, I got a call at 3 a.m.—she was in labor, and I was ready. Years later, during her second pregnancy, with a 10-hour time zone difference between us, I had another early night. Again, I got a call, this time at 10 p.m. my time (8 a.m. for her), saying she was in labor and alone at home. I stayed on the phone with her for two hours until the midwives arrived, even correctly guessing how dilated she was without any prior knowledge.

How did I know? Who knows. But I just knew—my intuition, or perhaps my clairsentience, was guiding me.

There have been countless other instances where intuition has steered me:

  • I knew to take one path over another when something felt off in the dark.

  • I knew to end a relationship, despite everyone loving the person I was with.

  • I knew my grandmother had passed when I received a seemingly ordinary text from my mom.

  • I knew to move to San Francisco after meeting someone from there on the exact day I was pondering where to move.

In all these moments, the messaging was clear, though it wasn’t always loud. Intuition often speaks softly, but with a certainty that’s hard to ignore once you’ve tuned into it.

My point is, intuition—whether through clairsentience, clairaudience, or another of the clairs—is always there, guiding us. The key is to know where to look and how you receive information. As you continue on your spiritual journey, pay attention to these subtle yet profound signals. They are the signposts that lead to clarity, helping you navigate life’s twists and turns with greater ease and understanding.

Remember, clarity is near—just lean in.
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