The Dreaming: A Journey Beyond the Subconscious

The Dreaming: A Journey Beyond the Subconscious

Dreaming as a place

I was 17, sitting in a sociology class, when I first encountered the concept that would reshape my understanding of reality: The Dreaming as a place, not just a nebulous, intangible abstract created and destroyed by each person’s subconscious at night. This idea lingered in my mind, opening doors to questions I never knew I had.

Fast forward to my freshman year of college, where I happened to sit next to Daphne—a friend who remains close to me even 20 years later. One day, she introduced me to The Sandman. Actually, she didn’t just introduce me; she handed me the first book. I had never read a graphic novel before, let alone heard of Neil Gaiman. Little did I know that this single moment would set me on a profound spiritual journey.


Looking back, I can say with certainty that The Sandman series profoundly shaped who I am—not just as a person or an artist, but as a spiritual teacher and witch. The depth and breadth of knowledge that Neil Gaiman channels into his work are nothing short of extraordinary.

His writing resonates on a sub-perceptive level, weaving spiritual insights into the fabric of pop culture, something I often explore in my teachings. Although Gaiman might now be considered part of pop culture, his work transcends mere entertainment, offering profound spiritual lessons if you know where to look.

The Dreaming as a complex and layered realm

Through my own experiences and working with clients, I've come to understand The Dreaming as a complex and layered realm, one that invites us to explore the unknown. Here's what I've discovered about this mystical place:

  • The Dreaming is a place made up of layers of realms. It's not just a figment of our imagination; it's a space we can visit and explore.

  • Not everything that happens in The Dreaming is real, but much of it is. This reality shifts depending on the layer you find yourself in.

  • The layers of The Dreaming are as follows:

    • The Lowest Layer (closest to the physical realm) is where our brains process daily events—a level that most psychologists would recognize.

    • The Liminal Layer is the in-between space, accessible to everyone. Here, we encounter realms that coexist with our own. It's where you might find yourself during an astral projection, experiencing other realms and realities.

    • Deeper Layers become more obscure, with information that doesn’t always make it back to our current realm in a way we can articulate.

    • Portal Realms take us to other parts of spacetime, other galaxies, and even other paradigms. For those of you who sleep but don’t rest, you might be working hard in the spirit realm, playing roles in these other realities.

  • The Liminal Layer has many versions. In this space, you can meet spirits, tutelary and otherwise, dearly departed loved ones, and even living people who find themselves in the same spacetime as you. Other beings, like fae and angels, also reside here.

  • The Meeting Spaces within The Dreaming seem to be the most accessible. We often end up here due to a strong desire—whether it's to see a lost loved one or to seek answers to specific questions. This accidental dreamwork happens when we unconsciously set the intention as we fall asleep.

There’s so much more to say about The Dreaming, but I’ll leave it at that for now.

If you find yourself dreaming easily and receiving information that you’re not sure how to interpret, let’s talk. I'm currently putting together resources to help guide you on your spiritual journey through dreams. What clarity and guidance do you need when it comes to understanding your dreams? Let's explore this fascinating realm together.

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