Lavender Syrup Recipe

Lavender Syrup Recipe

Lavender is one of my favorite plants and I find it purely magical even in its simplest form.

I stuff little tulle sachets with it to deter moths and other creatures from my closet, my drawers, my long term rug and bedding storage. Excellent for the linen closet!


💜3 tablespoons lavender flowers

💜1 cup sugar (I use coconut sugar)

💜3 tablespoons honey

💜1 cup water

💜Your personal magic


▫️Add water and lavender buds to a small pot/briki

▫️Bring to a boil

▫️Stir in sugar and honey until it’s dissolved

▫️Lower the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 15 mins

▫️Remove from heat and let sit for one hour or until the lavender is strong enough for you

▫️Strain into a bottle/jar/something and store in fridge for up to 3 weeks

▫️Use in coffee, tea, or to soothe a sore throat or a cough

How to use it

I add lavender, rose and rosemary tea to my floor wash when I mop. Not only does it help with the most gorgeous scent but it has magical properties as it’s thought to bring prosperity and blessings.

I add lavender oil in my bath.

Lavender buds in my eye pillow.

Known to help soothe relationship struggles in the household.

It is said to lift depression just by looking at it and smelling it ensures a long life.

It opens up the crown and our relationship to the divine. I always sip a cup when I do readings.

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Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

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Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

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Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

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