Beware of the Spiritual Fuckboy: When "Shakti" Talk is a Red Flag

Beware of the Spiritual Fuckboy: When "Shakti" Talk is a Red Flag

The Spiritual Fuckboy

Let’s dive into a topic that’s not exactly close to my heart but one I’ve had some experience with.

Maybe you haven’t encountered this yet, but I’m willing to bet that many of you on this eclectic mailing list have brushed shoulders with this phenomenon. Whether you’re a regular at local ecstatic dance events or just an occasional visitor to your local health food store, you’ve probably encountered a certain type of spiritual persona. And no, I’m not talking about the genuinely grounded spiritual seeker.

Enter 🥁drum roll🥁 the Spiritual Fuckboy.


You can spot him by his flowy pants, indigenous-made moccasins, and stories of winters spent with tribes in Canada or mystical festivals deep in the jungles of Costa Rica.

Maybe he’ll mention that ayahuasca ceremony in Peru that “changed his life.” He’s the guy who compliments your "Shakti energy" while you’re dancing or approaches you with a deep, seemingly profound statement that makes you feel seen—until he disappears into the ether, never to be seen again.

This guy has a certain charm, especially if you’re new to this kind of experience. He’ll draw you into his world, where everything is spontaneous, and the time is always now. He might even show up unannounced at your doorstep with tea and a plant he grew from seed, telling you to ditch your day job because the real journey is elsewhere. It’s exciting, it’s dreamy, and it feels like a whirlwind romance—until you realize he’s ghosted you because he’s "too wild" or "too attuned to the winds of change" to commit to anything or anyone.

In reality, this guy is likely living off a trust fund or some other form of financial support that doesn’t require him to work. He believes manifesting is just wishing something into existence, with no need for effort or responsibility. And that’s where the danger lies.

Spirituality isn’t about escaping reality

Why is this so problematic?

Because the Spiritual Fuckboy uses spirituality as a catch-all excuse for everything from disregarding your boundaries to committing micro-aggressions, all under the guise of "embracing the ephemeral nature of human experience." He’s no different from any other commitment-phobic guy with intimacy issues—he just dresses it up in spiritual language to make it seem more enlightened.

So, consider this your warning: The Spiritual Fuckboy might seem like he’s spiritually advanced, but at the end of the day, he’s just another guy who vanishes when things get too real. Don't be fooled by the talk of "Shakti" or the mystical veneer. True spiritual strength is grounded, respectful, and committed—qualities this guy lacks.

Trust your instincts, stay grounded, and remember that genuine spirituality isn’t about escaping reality—it’s about engaging with it in a meaningful and respectful way.

Here comes the alt text

Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

Here comes the alt text

Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

Here comes the alt text

Commited to bringing
magic to your life.

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